- PFAW: House Votes to Impose Costly, Ineffective and Constitutionally Troubling Voucher Program on DC.
- Ryan @ TFN Insider: Haters Gotta Hate.
- Chris Rodda @ Talk 2 Action: Huckabee: All Americans Should Be Forced at Gunpoint to Listen to David Barton.
- Justin Elliot @ Salon: Why the Christian right is backing a brutal despot.
- Andy Kopsa @ Iowa Independent: Indiana group leads gov-funded marriage program and push for anti-gay amendment.
- Robert Steinback @ Hatewatch: Muslim-Basher Pam Geller, Fresh From Call for Censorship, to Testify to Alaska House Today.
- Tanya Somanader @ Think Progress: Rep. Sean Duffy Complains About His $174,000 Salary: ‘I Drive A Used Minivan.’
- Equality Matters: Herman Cain: I’d Rather Defend DOMA Than Protect Religious Liberty.