Every voter has the basic right to cast a ballot and have it count
Every voter has the basic right to cast a ballot and have it count
That’s what we’re fighting for, and we won’t stop until it’s a reality.
The right to vote is under attack
Attacks on voting rights are worse now than they’ve been in decades. MAGA Republicans are targeting Black and brown voters, LGBTQ+ voters, working people, young people, people with disabilities, and more. They’re passing discriminatory laws and intimidating voters. We can’t let them win. And we won’t.

Voting is power
That’s why MAGA Republicans don’t want everyone to vote. They know that when everyone votes, big corporations, the wealthy, and the privileged can’t hoard power for themselves. So they’ll use any weapons they have — money, misinformation, even violence — to keep people from voting. We’re calling for federal and state voting rights laws that protect our vote and make democracy real for all of us.
Because of People For...
How we're fighting back
The latest

Protect voting rights with us