- Biden Judges Cast Deciding Votes Preventing State Health Care Plans from Excluding Gender Affirming Surgeries When Medically Necessary
- Biden Judge Rules that Family Can Proceed with Case Against Police Officer who Shot Father Five Times
- Biden Judge Casts Deciding Vote to Reverse Lower Court and Let Class Action Against Cook County Jail Go Forward
- Biden Judge Writes Unanimous Decision Affirming Jury Verdict for Damages to Farm Owner Harmed by Corporate Strip Mining
- Biden Judge Rules that Student Seeking Damages for Failure to Accommodate Disability Need Not Exhaust Administrative Remedies
- Biden Judges Vacate Injunction Against New York Consumer Protection Law on Broadband Service
- Biden Judge Affirms NLRB Finding that Corporation Committed Unfair Labor Practices by Underfunding Pensions and Other Misconduct
- Biden Judge Rejects Police Claim of Qualified Immunity for Arresting Journalist Filming Story on Oil Refinery
- Biden Judges Cast Deciding Votes to Preserve Anti-Censorship Ruling in Texas
- Biden Judge Rules that West Virginia Law Cannot Stop 13-year Old From Participating on Public School Girls’ Track Team
- Biden Judge Reverses Lower Court and Allows Civil RICO Case Against Prosecutor to Go Forward
- Biden Judge Reverses Lower Court and Permits Securities Fraud Case to Proceed
- Biden Judge Allows Justice Department to Reopen Antitrust Probe Concerning Real Estate Commissions and Housing Prices
As Senate Nears Confirmation of 200th Biden Judge, April Sees Key Decisions Made Possible by Biden Judges on Transgender Rights, Censorship, Consumer Protection and More

As May continues, as discussed below, the Senate should soon confirm the 200th federal judge nominated by President Biden. Biden judges took part in 13 important decisions, casting key votes that made justice possible for Americans across the country. These included rulings on such subjects as transgender rights, protection, censorship, police misconduct, and workers’ rights.
Each case is summarized below, along with a link to the full the American Way Foundation blog entry on the decision and to the ruling itself. Links to previous People For analyses of Biden judge cases are also below. Such rulings by Biden judges demonstrate the importance to all of us of promptly nominating and confirming fair-minded judges.
The Biden White House and Senate Democrats have been working hard to rebalance the courts after four years of Trump-McConnell judges, and should reach an important landmark soon. As of May17, the Senate has confirmed 197 Biden judges, several more than the 193 confirmed by Trump and McConnell at this point. With 15Biden nominees waiting for floor votes, the 200th confirmation should happen soon. More work remains necessary, however, since Trump and McConnell confirmed 41 more judges at this point in2020 through the end of the year. Updated statistics can be found here.