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New Latinos Vote! Ad Takes on Ed Gillespie’s Anti-Immigrant Attack Ads in Spanish

Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie is using both dog-whistle and overtly racist appeals in his campaign attack ads and mailers—demonizing Latinos and immigrants, even accusing Democrats of fighting FOR the gang MS-13. On Thursday, Trump echoed the fearmongering message on Twitter and encouraged voters to support Gillespie.

But Democratic candidate Ralph Northam isn’t taking the attacks lying down. Going after Gillespie’s record of cutting education and health care and dividing Virginians, the Northam campaign exposed the clear connection between Gillespie and the Trump campaign’s hate-filled policies that hurt people of color, immigrants, and many others.

People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program is fighting back, too: the program is launching its first TV ad of the Virginia election exposing the bigoted, fearmongering tactics of Gillespie’s campaign.

“Ed Gillespie is running his campaign in the shadow of Donald Trump and his vile anti-immigrant agenda,” says Michael Keegan, PFAW president. “The fact that Trump was so eager to echo Gillespie’s racist attack on Twitter only underscores that Gillespie has fashioned himself as a Trump clone. Virginia voters rejected Trump’s bigotry last November and it’s time to vote against Gillespie’s hateful and dangerous policies.”

Virginia Ad Transcript, English:

Narrator: In the election for governor, when the Republican candidate Ed Gillespie talks about us, he demonizes us with divisive and racist language, calling us all criminals. Let’s not allow Trump’s politics/policies in Virginia.

Instead, Democrat Ralph Northam, a military doctor, promotes respect and inclusion and will create opportunities for jobs and education for all.

For a healthy and united Virginia, let´s vote for Ralph Northam for governor.

Disclaimer: Paid for by People For the American Way

Virginia Ad Transcript, Spanish:

En las elecciones de gobernador, cuando el candidato republicano Ed Gillespie habla de nosotros, nos demoniza con un lenguaje divisivo y racista, llamándonos a todos criminales. ¡No permitamos las políticas de Trump en Virginia!

En cambio, el demócrata Ralph Northam, un doctor militar, promueve el respeto y la inclusión y creará oportunidades de empleo y educación para todos.

Por una Virginia sana y unida, votemos por Ralph Northam para gobernador.

Disclaimer: Paid for by People For the American Way