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Ad Campaign Holds Susan Collins Accountable for Votes to Confirm Bush’s Supreme Court Nominees

Drew Courtney or Josh Glasstetter
People For the American Way
Phone number:

An ad campaign to mark the 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade will launch next week in Maine. The ad will hold Senator Susan Collins accountable for her votes to confirm far-right Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts to the high Court.

The ads, which will run on radio stations throughout Maine, highlight Senator Collins’s support of Bush’s anti-choice nominees to the Court, and feature Oscar-nominated actress Kathleen Turner.

“Maine voters have a right to know where their Senators stand on the issues,” said PFAW political Director Mary Jean Collins. “Susan Collins wants to have her cake and eat it, too. She claims to be pro-choice, then votes to confirm anti-choice justices to the Supreme Court.”

The ad states:

Hello, I’m Kathleen Turner.

This week marks the 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade — the landmark Supreme Court decision protecting women’s freedom of choice. Senator Susan Collins says she’s pro-choice, but she voted for George Bush’s Supreme Court nominees.

Now, the Supreme Court is poised to dismantle women’s choice piece by piece.

When it came to the Supreme Court, Susan Collins didn’t stand up for our rights. She stood with George W. Bush.

This week, tell Susan Collins to oppose judges who oppose Maine values.

You can listen to the ad here or watch a video version here.

People For the American Way will be working in key states to educate its citizens about how they can protect their rights and liberties by considering the Supreme Court as one of the most important issues facing the public today.

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