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First $1,000 Weekly Winner Announced in Video Contest to Get Big Money Out of Politics

Layne Amerikaner or Andrea Alford
People For the American Way
Phone number:

‘Campaign Finance Rap’ Marks First Weekly Prize Winner in Democracy for All Video Contest

Today Say No to Big Money and People For the American Way announced the first of 14 weekly winners in a new contest tapping into the creative potential of Americans of all political stripes through short videos in support of a constitutional amendment to get big money out of politics.

The first winner of the $64,000 Democracy For All Video Challenge is a spoken-word rap that ties corruption in the chemical industry to lobbying and campaign contributions that hijack the political system from everyday Americans and was submitted by Ruben Diaz of Oakland, California, also known by the name “Chemical Free Papi.”

Click here to see the winning video:

From when the contest launched in August until December 2, contest entrants can submit a 30-90 second video that includes a call-to-action in support of the Democracy For All Amendment for a chance to win thousands of dollars in prize money, including a $25,000 grand prize. Supporters of an amendment to fix the nation’s campaign finance system have already submitted a diverse array of entries.

“This video is a great example of the type of creativity and passion that’s vital for Americans everywhere to see,” said Jeff Haggin, president of Say No to Big Money. “We’re thrilled to provide a platform for engaging and important messages like these and look forward to more entries that tap into everyone’s potential to tell lawmakers in their own words why it’s time to fix our broken system and restore our democracy.” 

“I don't have millions of dollars, but my voice is louder than any CEO or politician’s will ever be,”  added contest winner, Ruben Diaz, who raps as a hobby and decided to enter the contest in order to voice his frustration about campaign finance regulations.

Click here to see more about the contest and additional entries:

The Democracy For All Amendment is a proposal being considered by Congress, currently with 137 cosponsors in the House and 41 supporters in the Senate, that would overturn decisions like Citizens United, the 2010 Supreme Court case that paved the way for unlimited political spending by corporations and the super wealthy.

Say No to Big Money, the official sponsor of the contest, and People For the American Way are partnering with Act.TV, Agenda Project, American Family Voices, Coalition to Restore Democracy, Coffee Party USA, Courage Campaign, Common Cause, Free Speech For People, National Priorities Project, PF Pictures, People’s Email Network, Public Citizen, and US PIRG in this effort, with the support of more than 140 other organizations.

Full contest details and rules are available at Marge Baker and Jeff Haggin are available to speak with press. To arrange an interview, please reach out to Layne Amerikaner at [email protected].

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