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Hagee: Too Toxic for McCain, but Still Loved by Lieberman?

Peter Montgomery or Josh Glasstetter
People For the American Way
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Televangelist John Hagee and Senator John McCain mutually unendorsed each other last week as ongoing exposure of Hagee’s extremism became a burden to McCain’s campaign. But as Max Blumenthal points out, Sen. Joe Lieberman, one of McCain’s closest campaign advisors, is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at the July summit of Hagee’s Christians United for Israel. Lieberman has previously compared Hagee to Moses.

“John Hagee gets credibility he doesn’t deserve every time elected officials embrace him,” said People For the American Way President Kathryn Kolbert. “Senator Lieberman should take a closer look at Hagee’s record and take his name off Hagee’s agenda.”

“Hagee’s recently revealed statements that Hitler was God’s ‘hunter’ are the latest in a long and ugly record” said Kolbert. “We’re proud of People For the American Way’s part in exposing Hagee’s extremism.”

People For the American Way is circulating a petition asking Lieberman to cancel his appearance. J Street is also collecting signatures asking Lieberman not to attend Hagee’s event.