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People For the American Way Condemns Bomb Threats Against Synagogues

Lit candle in the dark
Press Department
People For the American Way
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Washington D.C. – Following reports that there were more bomb threats against American synagogues in the last weekend than in the entire preceding year, People For the American Way President Svante Myrick released the following statement:

“It’s hard to find words to express the horror and sadness we feel on learning about these bomb threats against children and families peacefully observing the Jewish sabbath. There is no place for antisemitism in a just and equitable America. We recently mourned the passing of our founder, Norman Lear, an iconic Jewish American who fought all his life for religious freedom and greater understanding among people of different faiths. The recent rise in antisemitism was heartbreaking to him as it is to us.  This is a time to rededicate ourselves to fighting hate and intolerance; our hearts are with the Jewish community that is being targeted by these inexcusable threats and hostility.”


About People For the American Way    People For the American Way, a national progressive advocacy organization, inspires and mobilizes community and cultural leaders to advance Truth, Justice and the American Way. We convene courageous Americans, produce compelling media and organize campaigns to defend our democracy from authoritarian threats and advance America’s promise that everyone will enjoy freedom, safety and a vote that counts. Learn more: