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House Passes Defense Bill with Path to Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell

The House has just passed a Defense authorization bill that includes a path to repealing the discriminatory and way too long-lived Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. The vote was 229 – 186.

Earlier today, People For President Michael Keegan said of the policy that prevents gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military:

This discriminatory policy has for 17 years prevented patriotic citizens from serving our country in the armed forces. Because of this policy, thousands of qualified men and women have been forced out of the military simply because they are gay, and countless others have been deterred from serving in the first place. The policy does a disservice to men and women who have served this country with honor and stands in contradiction to our values as Americans.

The Senate must now clear its version of the bill. Republicans have threatened a filibuster.

The vast majority of Americans are on the side of equality and common sense on this issue. Let’s hope our Senators get the message.