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Supreme Court

PFAW is United for Marriage

On December 7, 2012, the Supreme Court agreed to hear cases challenging California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

PFAW President Michael Keegan:

As we saw with last month’s state ballot measures affirming marriage equality, more and more Americans are coming to understand that laws preventing same-sex couples from getting married do real harm to our families, friends, and neighbors . . . Laws like Proposition 8 and DOMA go against the central American ideal of equal justice under the law . . . The cases the court agreed to hear today are a landmark opportunity for our country to move towards making marriage equality the law of the land once and for all.

Now that opportunity is upon us.

In less than two weeks, oral arguments will be heard at the Court. PFAW will be there with the United for Marriage coalition.

There have been a few moments during my nearly nine years in DC that I’ve felt like I was part of history. January 31, 2006, shaking Senator Ted Kennedy’s hand just after he’d cast his “No” vote on the Alito nomination. August 29, 2009, gathering at the Capitol for Senator Kennedy’s funeral procession. June 28, 2012, standing outside the Court as the (at first false) news of the healthcare ruling spread.

Organizing with United for Marriage has already felt historic, so March 26 and 27, 2013 stand to join those moments. You can, too.

  • If you live in or near DC, or plan to be here for this historic occasion, join the PFAW delegation at the Court for the United for Marriage rallies. RSVP here then email me to let me know you're attending.
  • If you live elsewhere or know people in other parts of the country, check out a local event, or create one of your own.

Visit for more information.

PS: We’ll be wearing PFAW shirts and carrying PFAW signs. The color of the day is red!