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PFAW's New Ads Reach Spanish-Speaking Voters in North Carolina, Pennsylvania

News & Analysis

Today, PFAW announced new Spanish-language radio ads in Pennsylvania and North Carolina as part of our Latinos Vote! program. The ad in North Carolina targets Burr’s anti-immigrant votes and his embrace of Donald Trump and encourages voters to support Deborah Ross and Hillary Clinton. The ad in Pennsylvania targets the dangerous agenda of Trump and Toomey and encourages voters to support Katie McGinty and Hillary Clinton.

Read more and listen to the ads:

Pennsylvania Ad Transcript

Announcer VO: Aunque Donald Trump dice cosas terribles de nosotros…

Trump OC: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Announcer VO: Pat Toomey dice que sigue indeciso en cuanto a Trump?

¿Indeciso? ¿Será solo porque le conviene a Toomey?

Peor aún, Toomey y Trump tienen mucho en común. Los dos han abusado de las leyes para salir favorecidos , apoyaron a universidades con fines de lucro que engañan a los estudiantes y ayudarían a los millonarios y corporaciones más que a la clase media.

Donald Trump, Pat Toomey y los Republicanos tienen políticas peligrosas para Pennsylvania y el país.

Pero a diferencia de Pat Toomey, nosotros no estamos indecisos en esta elección.

Announcer VO: ¡Ya es hora de votar por Hillary Clinton para Presidenta y Katie McGinty para el Senado!

Disclaimer VO: Este mensaje es pagado por People For the American Way, , y no está autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato. People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio.


Pennsylvania Ad Translation:

Announcer VO: Even though Donald Trump says terrible things about us...

Trump OC: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Announcer VO: Pat Toomey says he’s still “undecided” about Trump?

Undecided? Perhaps Toomey’s self interest?

And worse yet, Toomey and Trump have a lot in common. They’ve both abused the rules to get ahead, supported for profitcolleges that scamstudents, and they’d help millionaires and corporations over the middle class.

Donald Trump, Pat Toomey, and the Republicans have a dangerous agenda for Pennsylvania and the country.

But unlike Pat Toomey, we aren’t undecided this election.

Announcer VO: It’s time to vote for Hillary Clinton for President and Katie McGinty for Senate!

Disclaimer VO: This message is paid for by People For the American Way and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising.


North Carolina Ad Transcript

Announcer VO: Aun cuando Donald Trump dice cosas horribles acerca de nosotros...

Trump OC: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Announcer VO: Richard Burr lo apoya y manifiesta que no hay ninguna separación entre él y Donald Trump.

Burr: “There's not a separation between me and Donald Trump.”

Announcer VO: Peor aún, Richard Burr votó 11 veces contra nuestros DREAMers y contra la reforma migratoria!

Donald Trump, Richard Burr, y los Republicanos tienen políticas peligrosas para Carolina del Norte y el país.

Tenemos que votar contra ellos.

Announcer VO: ¡VOTEMOS por Hillary Clinton para Presidenta y Deborah Ross para el Senado!

Disclaimer VO: Este mensaje es pagado por People For the American Way, , y no está autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato. People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio.

North Carolina Ad Translation

Announcer VO: Even though Donald Trump says terrible things about us...

Trump OC: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Announcer VO: Richard Burr supports him and says there’s no separation between him and Trump.

Burr OC: “There's not a separation between me and Donald Trump.”

Announcer VO: Worse yet, Richard BURR voted 11 times against our DREAMers and immigration reform!

Donald Trump, Richard Burr and the Republicans have a dangerous agenda for North Carolina and the country.

We have to vote against them.

Announcer VO: VOTE for Hillary Clinton for President and Deborah Ross for the Senate!

Disclaimer VO: This message is paid for by People For the American Way and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising