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People For the American Way Condemns Disproportionate Disciplinary Actions Against Montana Representative Zooey Zephyr 

Montana Rep. Zooey Zephyr at her seat in the Montana state House.
Press Release
People For the American Way
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Washington D.C. – Following the vote to deny Representative Zooey Zephyr access to the Montana state House, People For the American Way President Svante Myrick released the following statement: 

“We condemn the actions of Speaker Matt Regier and the Montana House of Representatives in the unprecedented, unjustified, antidemocratic banishment and ongoing transphobic harassment of Representative Zephyr. Barring a duly-elected representative from the House chamber for zealously advocating for her community is unacceptable. The Montana GOP might think they can silence her, but they can’t – because she and representatives like her are on the right side of the issues and of history. 

“This comes just weeks after the expulsion of Reps. Justin Jones and Justin J. Pearson in Tennessee, two other young public servants who spoke out on the basis of values and principle. It’s shocking that we are seeing the emergence of a new trend on the Far Right: silencing the opposition with unusual and extreme banishments and expulsions, historically reserved for the commission of serious crimes. This is the most antidemocratic activity we’ve seen in a long time. People For the American Way is activating our membership nationwide in the broader fight against this injustice. Democracy doesn’t stop just because some representatives can’t handle dissent.” 


About People For the American Way 

People For the American Way, a national progressive advocacy organization, inspires and mobilizes community and cultural leaders to advance Truth, Justice and the American Way. We convene courageous Americans, produce compelling media and organize campaigns to defend our democracy from authoritarian threats and advance America’s promise that everyone will enjoy freedom, safety and a vote that counts. Learn more: