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Sen. Obama Targets Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation with ‘Sorely Needed’ Legislation

Press Release
Stacey Gates or Priscilla Ring
People For the American Way
Phone number:

People For the American President Way Ralph G. Neas released the following statement in response to Senator Barack Obama’s introduction today of legislation that would bring accountability to the electoral process:

“I applaud Senator Obama for his leadership with the introduction of this sorely needed bill. As we look ahead to the 2006 midterm elections, Senator Obama’s Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act is an important step in the right direction.

“This legislation would criminalize egregious deceptive practices that result in voter disenfranchisement. It would provide additional accountability and encourage voter participation by making it easier for citizens to officially report voter intimidation tactics and seek justice through the courts.

“While many states are considering voting reform, and some citizens are voting on reform initiatives today, the federal government must make it both a national policy and a national priority to effectively address voter harassment and intimidation.

"The Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act is an excellent companion to the Count Every Vote Act. I hope that all Senators will recognize, as Senator Obama has, the crucial need for reforms to ensure that every American’s right to vote is protected.