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U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Garrett Undermines Effectiveness and Intent of ADA

Press Release
Nathan Richter or Tracy Duckett
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Statement of Ralph G. Neas, President of People For the American Way:

The Garrett decision is unconscionable. It is truly a sad day for America. The 5-4 decision seriously undermines the effectiveness and intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

By once again resurrecting the long-discredited theory of states' rights, the Supreme Court has denied state employees with disabilities the full protection of our equal employment opportunity laws.

The direction of the Supreme Court in rolling back the rights of individual Americans is absolutely chilling. First, it was older Americans. Then it was women who were victims of violence. Now it is persons with disabilities. Who next will be deprived of their fundamental rights by this Supreme Court?

The Garrett decision dramatically underscores the importance of future Supreme Court nominations. We urge President Bush and both houses of Congress to act immediately with appropriate legislative action to redress these denials of rights.

Click here to read a press summary of the decision.

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More information on PFAW's activities throughout the U.S. can be found in our field activist area.

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