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Bachmann Intends to Have David Barton Teach Classes on Constitution and Christian History to Members of Congress

Rep. Michele Bachmann confirmed to CBN's David Brody that she intends to have Glenn Beck's BFF David Barton of Wallbuilders teach classes on the Constitution and America's Christian heritage to Tea Party members of Congress:

Bachmann: Every week we'll start our week with a class on the Constitution and how maybe bills that we're working on fit in with the Constitution - real time application.

Brody: One guest speaker on the list: influential Evangelical David Barton and his Christian perspective on American history.

Bachmann: The Judeo-Christian heritage isn't a belief. It's a fact.

Brody: And there's another fact Bachmann is bringing to the table.

Bachmann: One thing we know from the Book of Isaiah is that Isaiah tells us that the government is on His shoulders. "We can trust a holy, almighty God with our future and nothing is too big for Him."