During a conference call last week hosted by GOP politician E.W. Jackson, Rep. Louie Gohmert dismissed concerns that young migrants are fleeing Central America due to drug violence, claiming that the children aren’t telling the truth.
“Texas and the United States is [sic] being invaded and we’re in danger,” Gohmert said, before alleging that most of the unaccompanied minors are lying when they tell border patrol agents that they are escaping gang violence in Central America and have been coached to make such claims. Gohmert said minors end up telling officers that “we were told to say that we were fleeing gang violence.”
The congressmen went on to say that “the penetration of criminals and terrorists across our southern border” represents a threat to the U.S. comparable to the threat of a nuclear strike from Iran against Israel.
He likened the immigrant “invasion” to D-Day, warning that undocumented immigrants were responsible for over six hundred thousand crimes in Texas over the past five years, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.
Gohmert called President Obama’s immigration policy the real “war on women” because it allowed immigrants to cross the border to rape women.