Despite the fact that authorities are saying that race did not play a role in the shooting death of Christopher Lane or the beating that killed World War II vet Delbert Belton, commentators on the right are absolutely convinced that it did.
As such, "AFA Today" broadcast host Kevin McCullough blasted President Obama on Friday for failing to speak out about either crime, which apparently proves that Obama is racist and a "flaming hypocrite":
Please Mr. Obama, explain to me your silence, explain to me your deafness to the cries of people that genuinely hurt.
What's that? All we have is crickets?
Oh, because you're a flaming hypocrite. I get it. Okay. As long as we understand the game as it's being played. As long as we understand that it's okay for you to be a racist in the White House while accusing everyone else to be a racist. As long as we understand that that's the way it works; now we know. Now we've been made fully aware and now we can operate in a world where truth exists because we now see for ourselves that you're nothing but a flaming, hypocritical opportunist that seeks to prop up your own advantage via created outrage and anger when it doesn't exist and totally willing to be a total flaming hypocrite when it does exist on the other hand.
The fact that you're a two-bit circus squaller [sic] about this and that you're out there and your willing to chase that ambulance when you think there's a buck in it for you and you're not willing to take a stand, take a morally righteous stand to defend people that are shot down or beaten to death flashlights simply because they happen to be race that is different than the people attacked them.
Mr. President, I'm grateful; you're helping me today, Mr. President, you're helping me understand that racism comes in all forms and colors and that you yourself exhibit it as much as anybody else does, especially those that you've accused of it in the past.