- Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is scheduled to deliver the commencement address at Pat Robertson's Regent University in May.
- Bryan Fischer says that the murder of eight people at three massage businesses in Atlanta earlier this week proves that "prostitution is not a victimless crime."
- Jim Garlow claims that passage of the Equality Act "will effectively make being a bona fide Christian illegal."
- Sheila Zilinsky declares that the Kardashians are "plain evil Kabbalah wizards" who are "killing Western culture."
- Scott Lively proclaims that "homosexuality is the extreme form of rebellion against God" and that "male homosexuality" in particular is "the ultimate form of rebellion against God."
- Finally, Jack Hibbs thinks he knows what is behind transgenderism and support for trans rights: "Demonism. I believe it's satanic."
Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Demonism