- Good As You: Delaware, meet your potential next Senator.
- Truth Wins Out: TWO Calls On Delaware GOP Senate Nominee Christine O’Donnell To Apologize For Running Failed Ex-Gay Program.
- Scott Keyes @ Think Progress: O’Donnell So Fervently Pro-Truth That She Wouldn’t Lie To Nazis Asking If She Were Hiding Jews In Her Home.
- Sarah Posner @ Religion Dispatches: What O'Donnell Tells Us About Tea Party Religion.
- Justin Elliott @ Salon: O'Donnell warned of "orgy rooms" in college dorms.
- Andy Birkey @ Minnesota Independent: Bachmann to appear at “Sharia report” release.
- Joe.My.God: Family Research Council Launches Phone Campaign Against DADT Repeal Vote.
- Ian Millhiser @ Wonk Room: California Lt. Gov. Says He Had More Important Things To Do Than File Prop 8 Appeal.
- Alan Colmes: Cal Thomas Wants Government To Monitor Sermons in Mosques.