- Hunter Walker @ Business Insider: Anti-Gay-Marriage GOP Candidate Explains His Past As A Drag Queen.
- Charles P. Pierce @ Esquire: North Carolina Sells Justice At The Polls.
- Sarah Posner @ Religion Dispatches: Supreme Court Rules Sectarian Legislative Prayer Constitutional.
- Spencer Woodman @ Salon: Ohio GOP’s Secret Voting Scheme Deliberations.
- Joe Hagan @ New York Magazine: Benghazi And The Bombshell.
- Sahil Kapur @ TPM: Tennessee State Senator Compares Obamacare To The Holocaust.
- Michelle Leung @ Media Matters: New Gallup Poll Decimates Conservative Media's 'Uninsured-By-Obamacare' War Cry.
- Ian Millhiser @ Think Progress: Las Vegas Police Host ‘Choose Purity’ Event Claiming Premarital Sex Turns Girls Into Prostitutes.