- Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Huckabee's curious media analysis.
- Alyssa Rosenberg @ Think Progress: Hannah Giles, From ACORN Stings to Reality Television.
- Nick Sementelli @ Bold Faith Type: Catholic Bishop Goes Off Script About Religious Liberty, Warns of U.S. Despotism.
- Andy Kopsa @ RH Reality Check: Lila Rose and Live Action Decline to Respond to Questions About "Gotcha" Video, Failure of PRENDA.
- Ryan J. Reilly @ TPM: ‘Birthermercial’ Star Gary Kreep Ahead In Race For California Judgeship.
- Warren Throckmorton: David Barton’s whitewash of Thomas Jefferson as a slave owner.
- Finally, we are all going to be attending the Netroots Nation conference for the next few days, so blogging here will be sporadic to nonexistent for the rest of the week.