- PFAW: Gridlock or Bust: How the Senate GOP Has Abandoned Its Own Nominees for the Sake of Obstruction.
- Peter Montgomery @ AlterNet: Romney Meets With Leader of Radical Christian Group, Despite Extremism Exposed By Their New Hire.
- Good As You: NOM unveils its new Corporate Hypocrisy Project.
- Judd Legum @ Think Progress: George Zimmerman Says He Wouldn’t Do Anything Differently: ‘It Was God’s Plan’ For Me To Kill Trayvon Martin.
- Chelsea Rudman @ Media Matters: James O'Keefe Fails To Find A Scandal, Union And Public Works Edition.
- Kevin Drum: GOP Shamelessness Reaches New Heights.
- Andrew Kirell @ Mediaite: John Boehner Goes After Bachmann’s Clinton Aide/Muslim Brotherhood Remarks: ‘Pretty Dangerous.’
- John Stanton @ BuzzFeed: Cantor Urges Tolerance On Gays, Muslims.
- Warren Throckmorton: Founders’ Bible Cites Pro-Slavery Leader as Proponent of America as a Christian Nation, Part Two.