- PFAW: Ending DACA is “Unjust and Devastating to our Communities”.
- Ella Nilsen, Alexia Fernández Campbell, Dylan Matthews & Dara Lind @ Vox: 4 lies Jeff Sessions told to justify ending DACA.
- Talal Ansari @ BuzzFeed: Obama Calls Trump's Plan To Phase Out DACA "Cruel".
- Peter Montgomery @ Religion Dispatches: Catholic Cardinal Slams Jesuit’s Bridge-Building Book; and More in Global LGBT Recap.
- Jen Herrick @ The Progressive: Let’s Work to Expand Voting Rights.
- Alice Ollstein @ TPM: Contradicting Trump, DOJ Admits There Is No Evidence Of Trump Tower Wiretaps.
- Adelle M. Banks, Emily McFarlan Miller, Yonat Shimron & Jerome Socolovsky @ Religion News Service: All the president’s clergymen: A close look at Trump’s ‘unprecedented’ ties with evangelicals.