We will be taking off time this week to attend Netroots Nation 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona.
If you’re at Netroots, come visit us at the People For the American Way booth in the exhibit hall or find us on Twitter:
Right Wing Watch: @rightwingwatch
People For the American Way: @peoplefor
Brian Tashman: @briantashman
Miranda Blue: @bluemir
Peter Montgomery: @petemont
We’ll be back on Monday with all of the weekend’s news from the Right.
Also be sure to attend our panel event, “Globalizing Homophobia: How Anti-LGBT Activists are Spreading Hate Abroad.”
As LGBT people in the United States win important fights in courts and legislatures, American anti-gay activists are increasingly turning their attentions abroad, where their dangerous ideology is causing serious—even deadly—harm. This panel will examine the role of the U.S. right-wing movement in organizing and funding homophobia abroad, as well as the role progressive activists have in holding global anti-gay activists accountable at home.