Earlier this week on “Trunews,” televangelist Rodney Howard-Browne explained to host Rick Wiles why he decided to endorse Donald Trump for president.
Howard-Browne, who last appeared on “Trunews” to warn that America is now “Nazi Germany,” said that Trump is “a threat to the New World Order and the one-world government.”
By delaying the rise of the one-world government, he explained, Trump would delay coming of the Antichrist, but only for a short period of time.
A mark of a person's standing is who backs them or who attacks them. The New World Order and the establishment are spending tens upon tens of millions to take him down. When the pope attacks him, plus two former Mexican presidents and other world leaders, then that tells us that he’s a threat to the New World Order and the one-world government. And when the world's financial elite met in Davos, Switzerland, and they say they’re afraid of Trump — I say that's good enough for me.
Trump is bad news for the New World Order and the one-world government, spoken about by George Bush, Sr., in his "Thousand points of light" speech. Trump is good news to American sovereignty. And, of course, you’ve got world leaders calling Hillary to back her to try to stop Trump.
So this thing has started a firestorm across the world. Because of his stance on immigration, he’s been labeled by the left as a racist and Hitler — something that they even use in the U.K. against Nigel Farage and UKIP for the same reasons. If you’re a leftist-liberal and you don't have a valid argument to support your opposing view, just call people names and label them: racist, misogynist, Hitler, fascist, etc. Most people don't even know what those terms mean and the problem is that too many Americans are liberals when it comes to the way they lean because of the media and the education system and how they’ve been dumbed down and when it comes to American history, they don’t even know what took place in the history and the founding of our nation.
We should hear what the candidates say in his own words and not believe the twisted version that comes through the mainstream, propaganda media that’s obviously trying to manipulate the narrative. Immigration should take place but it should take place legally; open borders are not the way to do things.
We are in the final hour now, the final grains of sand are slipping through the hour glass. We stand on the brink of a one-world government, one-world religion, one-world money system, and the rise of the Antichrist. I will say that a Trump presidency will give us a stay of execution, only.
All the nonsense stirred up in the mainstream media, the propaganda, the lies, the racism stirred up, is all a ploy to take Mr. Trump down. My concern is that even if he becomes the nominee, he will be in danger for his life. The GOP wants a brokered convention to steal the nomination from the people's choice. Personally, I don't think they really want [Ted] Cruz either, but they have now co-opted him.