WorldNetDaily's Jane Chastain is pleading with readers not to purchase Girl Scout cookies this year, part of a growing Religious Right push against the Girl Scouts.
Chastain explains that the Girl Scouts should face a boycott due to their "lesbianism" and support for the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which she falsely claims "would force nations to legalize abortion and prostitution. Guess a girl has to make a living!"
Are you man (or woman) enough to say “no” to a child?
Before you answer this question, consider this: When liberals try to justify more government spending they trot out our youth. “Do it (whatever ill-conceived big government program they are promoting) for the children, boohoo, sob, sob!”
This makes conservative legislators quake in their boots. It is only a matter of time before they cave in to this pressure. I offer our $17 trillion national debt as Exhibit A.
Now, bring it down to a personal level. It is one thing to say “no” to a little boy. It is quite another to say “no” to a precious little girl, looking up at you with those beautiful, big, expectant eyes.
That’s what you will be up against if you join – and you should – the boycott against Girl Scout cookies begun by Pro-Life Waco and now joined by countless pro-life and pro-family organizations.
The Girl Scouts adopted a new global agenda and began bemoaning the fact that the United States has not signed the radical U.N. feminist treaty, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, CEDAW, which would force nations to legalize abortion and prostitution. Guess a girl has to make a living!
The Girl Scouts adopted a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which was as effective a the one in the military. It wasn’t long before the organization began accepting lesbian leaders and winked at lesbian activity within the ranks. In 1998, Nancy Manahan wrote the book, “On My Honor: Lesbians Reflect on their Scouting Experience.” It is full of coming-of-age stories at Girl Scout Camp, and stories of lesbianism within the paid staff.