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City Of Swine

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  • Shane Vaughn asserts that the 14th Amendment was enacted in response to the Dred Scott decision. No, it wasn't
  • Tim Barton claims that when the Founding Fathers mentioned the "right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence, they were talking about abortion. No, they weren't. 
  • Nick Fuentes hates women and says they "must tremble in fear," then claims that he is just kidding. He's not.
  • Ali Alexander says that "if the Deep State loved our country, they would've assassinated Joe Biden when he and Merrick Garland went too hard on J6 Hostages."
  • Kent Christmas declares that "in the plan of God ... politics and the Bible were never meant to be separate.'
  • Finally, Joel Webbon says that Christians should give up on San Francisco, as it is "a city of swine."