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The Esteemed Insurrection

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  • After Congress certified the results of the 2024 presidential election, Rick Green thanked God that "there wasn't the same chaos as four years ago" when "the election was stolen" and "the Constitution was violated."
  • Joel Webbon asserts that "Jan. 6 was not that bad and, in fact, there were a lot of things that were honorable and should be esteemed."
  • Lance Wallnau declares that far-right British activist Tommy Robinson is "very courageous" and "a folk hero."
  • Mark Meckler wants to see Washington, D.C., literally eliminated as a city and instead made a part of Maryland. If that doesn't happen, Meckler hopes that Congress will completely take over the city "and run it correctly." 
  • Finally, Glenn Beck hates Daylight Savings Time largely because it was implemented during World War I by the Woodrow Wilson administration, which Beck claimed "pushed [America] into socialism." If Wilson was a socialist, he certainly had an odd way of showing it