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Donald Trump Defends Call For Punishing Women Who Have Abortions: 'I Didn't See Any Big Deal'

Last week, GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump took several competing positions on abortion rights over a period of three days.

Trump, who was once adamantly pro-choice, said on Wednesday that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions, only to claim later that day that he has never supported such a policy. Then, on Sunday, Trump declared that “we have to leave” current abortion laws in place, only to be again contradicted by his own campaign.

But the way conservative radio host Joe Pags sees it, Trump’s initial “punishment” comments were simply the result of a trap set by MSNBC in an effort to dislodge his candidacy. While speaking with Trump over the weekend, Pags said the candidate should have never even appeared on MSNBC “after what CNBC did in that one debate that was disgusting.”

Trump, interestingly enough, bragged about all the praise he received after saying that if abortion becomes illegal, women who have abortion should be punished.

“A lot of people thought my answer was excellent, by the way,” he told Pags. “There were a lot of people who thought that was a very good answer.”

He added that he “didn’t see any big deal” about the comments until they prompted “somewhat of a storm.”

Pags: Many people say that the difference in Wisconsin is because of that ridiculous question that Chris Matthews that asked you. I’m not going to ask you the question because it was hypothetical and it was stupid. I really don’t believe the question had any merit whatsoever and the guy is not a journalist. But having said that, why continue to go on any MSNBC property after what CNBC did in that one debate that was disgusting? And then you go on MSNBC and you have to expect to be attacked. Why even go? It only benefits them. How does it benefit you?

Trump: It was a hypothetical question. A lot of people thought my answer was excellent, by the way. There were a lot of people who thought that was a very good answer. It was a hypothetical question. I didn’t see any big deal and then all of a sudden there was somewhat of a storm. And you know, it’s interesting, this morning I’m hearing two hosts on television that were critical and they said, “We really thought his first answer was very good.” Because you can’t win. “We thought it was good, what was wrong with his first answer?” And I heard a pastor, who is a fantastic pastor, saying, “Well, you know, if you think about it, his first answer is right.”

Pags: Your answer was consistent with conservatism but Chris Matthews has an agenda, so I’m not even wondering about the question because I thought it was loaded and stupid and hypothetical.

Trump: It was disgraceful.

Pags: Why go on the show? Why go?

Trump: I heard people defending it today. Now they defend it. Now they say, “It was really right.” The whole thing is just so — the press is extremely unfair. A lot of very terrible people. It is interesting with MSNBC. Not only that, I made NBC a fortune with “The Apprentice.” An absolute fortune with “The Apprentice.” But they’ve all got agendas and I understand that. Frankly, they’re bad but they’re sort of all bad. I don’t get treated well on Fox. I don’t get treated well on CNN.