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EW Jackson: Slavery In America Wasn't A 'Racial Issue'

In an April 9 interview with Virginia talk radio host John Fredericks, conservative activist E.W. Jackson insisted that President Obama does not love his country enough, in part because he refuses to acknowledge that slavery in America was “not a racial issue.”

Jackson, the 2013 Republican nominee for lieutenant governor in the state, responded to a clip of a sermon by the president’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright by insisting that Obama “always seems to want to put American down, apologize for America, indicate what America has done wrong, and yet he never — just like Jeremiah Wright — he never talks about the virtue of our country, he never talks about its greatness, its freedom.”

“I mean, Jeremiah doesn’t want to talk about, for example, the fact that slavery was a worldwide institution and that Nigerians apologized for their complicity in slavery because those slave-masters and  slave-traders could not have gotten those slaves without Africans going into the interior to bring people out,” he continued.

“So this is not a racial issue, it’s a human issue, people subjugating each other. But America’s the place where people of all races, all backgrounds, have come and found freedom. And I don’t think he understands that, the president that is, and Jeremiah Wright certainly doesn’t understand it and doesn’t want to understand it and the president sat in that church for 20 years because he agrees with it.”