Following the successful passage of marriage equality in New York, Mission America’s Linda Harvey was sure to speak out. In a ranting essay for WorldNetDaily against equal marriage rights, hate crime laws, pride parades, and anti-bullying initiatives, Harvey yet again makes clear her antipathy towards gay and lesbian Americans and their families, lamenting that Americans “are selling ourselves into bondage” by supporting LGBT equality:
New York now has "gay" marriage. The back-slaps and celebration will go on for weeks. The day before this historic vote ( a.k.a., "day of infamy"), Barack Obama spoke to a Democratic Party/homosexual donor dinner and shared his insights about social justice and the American way.
Obama said he looks forward to the day "when every single American, gay or straight or lesbian or bisexual or transgender, is free to live and love as they see fit [sic]."
The president stopped short of giving a thumbs up to same-sex marriage, although everyone knew he would be fine with that, and I'm sure he's congratulating New Yorkers right now. Besides, with the above comment, he has given us so much more.
This "freedom" will include much more than a perpetual pansexual pagan party. It will, and already does, include libel, slander, intimidation, corruption of youth, revolt in congregations, suppression of parental rights, revision of language, disease, loss of employment and loss of life.
Oh, and did I mention public sex, the porn explosion and public nudity?
Welcome to entitlement sex.
But is the debt already too large? Have we already reached a tipping point where only catastrophe can bring renewal? The sages among us – those "haters" and "bigots" who keep trying to sound the alarm – need to stay focused and not lose hope. We must keep educating others that this is not a civil-rights issue, that we have not gained freedom, but instead are selling ourselves into bondage.
Most of all, we must not give up the fight, because only God knows the outcome.