It seems that Linda Harvey of the anti-LGBT group Mission America was not a fan of the Super Bowl Halftime Show, writing in BarbWire yesterday that Katy Perry’s song “Dark Horse” may be an “invitation to demonic possession.”
She also criticized “I Kissed A Girl,” unsurprisingly, by claiming that the song (not to mention Perry's “suggestive twerking with Lenny Kravitz”) is promoting the “homosexual agenda.”
“Just like her flirtation with Satan, she’s merely joining and providing theme music for a movement that long pre-dates her,” Harvey wrote.
But according to Harvey, these two songs aren’t the most troubling aspect of Perry's performance. The Religious Right activist thinks that Perry’s “Firework” may actually be a tool to trick people into following Satan rather than God, proving once again that Perry has “become a glamorous huckster of destruction to her millions of followers.”
“While ‘Firework’ seems encouraging taken at face value (and the song is musically very appealing), in the context of Perry’s other messages simply comes off as ultimately godless and pointless,” Harvey wrote. “So it’s still all up to me and only me? No help from the any spiritual source? Just one, perhaps– the one Jesus calls a liar and a thief.”
The halftime performance of Katy Perry at the 2015 Super Bowl seemed to be all about choice. While the show was a spectacle on a grand scale, the content was shady. Perry held out foolish choices with eternal consequences on an altar of defiance.
And this isn’t the first time she’s shown a preference for jaw-dropping rebellion. Many will recall her Grammy performance from 2014 where she pole-danced on a witch’s broom as the backdrop to her song “Dark Horse,” with lyrics selling sex and “magic” from which there will be “no going back.”
The Super Bowl gig was just a variance on the same theme with Perry astride a giant robot tiger. “Dark Horse” is a tune not about love or even a hot hook-up. It seems to be [sic] invitation to demonic possession, and the halftime theatrics recalled the Apostle Peter’s caution: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).” And sure enough, Perry and the red-eyed beast roared in defiant power. What kind of power, hmmm, do we think she’s offering?
Sexual confusion is a natural companion to spiritual apostasy. Perry proceeded to bend over in some suggestive twerking with Lenny Kravitz and then sang another hit, telling us that she “kissed a girl and liked it.” The lyrics go on to say, “I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it.”
This 2008 song is a prime expose of the lies embedded in the homosexual agenda. Not that Perry leads that effort. Just like her flirtation with Satan, she’s merely joining and providing theme music for a movement that long pre-dates her.
There would be a predictable reaction if a well-known homosexual man crooned that he had “kissed a boy and liked it” and he “hopes his boyfriend don’t mind it.” If such a song even saw the light of day, it would be instantly labeled bigotry, hate and right-wing extremism. After all, one is never allowed to experiment in that direction. Satan and his mouthpieces will make sure such a notion never gains traction.
It’s tragic that a former Christian has left the faith she allegedly once knew to become a glamorous huckster of destruction to her millions of followers. Even her closing song of the evening, “Firework” suggests finding hope not in an eternal Christ before Whom every knee will bow, but in a spark that already exists inside each of us.
While “Firework” seems encouraging taken at face value (and the song is musically very appealing), in the context of Perry’s other messages simply comes off as ultimately godless and pointless. So it’s still all up to me and only me? No help from the any spiritual source?
Just one, perhaps– the one Jesus calls a liar and a thief.