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Mark Taylor Continues to Stand By His Failed 'Red Tsunami' Prophecy

Mark Taylor on the set of The Jim Bakker Show
"Firefighter Prophet" Mark Taylor on the set of "The Jim Bakker Show"

It is difficult to be a modern-day prophet, especially when the things one has prophesied frequently fail to come true. Such is the dilemma facing radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and so-called “firefighter prophet” Mark Taylor, who has repeatedly predicted and prophesied things that never materialized, most notably his multiple guarantees in 2018 that the midterm elections would result in a "red tsunami" that would sweep Republicans into office all across the nation.

That was not what happened, which forced Taylor to retroactively revise his predictions in order to claim that he had actually been correct.

At first, Taylor claimed that the resignation of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions would unleash a wave of arrests in which dozens of Democratic members of Congress would be taken down, resulting in their seats being filled by Republicans and therefore confirming the red tsunami that he had promised.

When that didn't happen, Taylor changed course and began to insist that the red tsunami he had prophesied had come true when Republicans gained control of six new governorships during the 2018 elections. Unfortunately for Taylor, that claim was false, as the GOP actually lost control of several states when the Democrats picked up seven gubernatorial seats.

Yesterday, Taylor appeared on the "Up Front In The Prophetic" program, where he trotted out a new explanation of how his red tsunami prophecy had been accurate.

"I prophesied there was going to be a red tsunami in the midterms, and I got hammered because we lost the House," Taylor said. "We didn't lose the House ... I believe they allowed it to happen to let people see and experience who these Democrats were, how bad they really were, so that people could experience for themselves so that they will never be able to get back into office again."

Taylor went on to assert that most of the new Democrats elected to Congress in 2018 "are not supposed to be there because they stole the election. We know that."