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Mefferd: Gay Rights Led to America's 'Death Throes' and 'Totalitarian' Laws

On Wednesday, Religious Right broadcaster Janet Mefferd didn’t hold back in expressing her outrage over the Supreme Court’s decision to vacate the appeal of the Prop 8 case over standing, calling the court’s ruling “completely insane.”

“If you think this is just an attack on marriage, it isn’t; it’s an attack on your liberty, an attack on the rule of law and it’s an attack on every person in California who went to the polls and legally voted to change the constitution of the state of California,” Mefferd said, “and the Supreme Court basically spat on them today.” Mefferd had a dim view of California: “Look who you have running your state, all these people have done in the California legislature is it’s gay law here and gay law there and gay role models and ban gay reparative therapy for minors…it’s totalitarian.”

But it’s not just California that’s at risk, she explained, as all of America is now in its “death throes.”

“It’s not about love, it’s not about equality, it’s not about civil rights, it’s about absolutely shaking the fist in the face of a Holy God and thinking that you’re going to get away with it,” Mefferd warned. “You really think the United States is going to get away with this? You think we’re going to be thriving three hundred years from now if we just completely tear apart this civilization? Are you kidding me? We are delusional if we think we can survive as a civilization long term.”

Mefferd added that if Americans keep “degrading everything that is good” then “you’re over, it’s over.”

On her Facebook page, Mefferd pointed to a video of a dog burying a dead puppy and called it a metaphor for America’s imminent demise.