On Friday, right-wing radio host Michael Savage compared both President Obama and Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof to Charles Manson, claiming that both the president and the shooter are trying to create a race war in America.
“It’s the scenario that Charles Manson wanted, to start a race war, which he called Helter Skelter, which was committing these horrible murders in the Hollywood Hills and then blaming it on blacks and then there would be a murderous rampage against blacks by frightened whites,” Savage said. “Well, now it’s the reverse and we’re all fearing a murderous rampage against whites by blacks to provoke an internecine war of near extermination. That is what we could have happen here in this country right now.”
Savage said that like Roof, Obama is trying to “stir the people up” and foment racial violence. While debating with a caller, Savage said that Obama is “a diehard, divisive man who has wrecked the country with his Helter Skelter, he may as well be Charles Manson.”
As Savage explained, public schools and secular government are also to blame for the attack because Roof was “raised on the liberal credo, the credo of Obama and Hillary Clinton, which is ‘do what you feel like doing,’ that there is no Christianity, ‘if it feels good, do it, want to engage in sex, go ahead, want to be a woman while you’re a man, go ahead, you want to use drugs, go ahead, you don’t feel good, pop a pill, you don’t feel good, go to the crackpot with a stethoscope and he’ll give you some drugs.”
“You see, all Christian values have been driven out of the schools and the culture by the liberals, they’ve been replaced by a vacuum, do as you please and do whatever you want,” he said.