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Michael Savage: Pope Francis Like False Prophet 'Directing Mankind To Worship The Antichrist'

Yesterday on “The Savage Nation,” Michael Savage lit into Pope Francis over his encyclical on climate change, calling him “a danger to the world” who wants to impose “global tyranny.”

“The Pope is a Marxist,” Savage said. “He is a wolf in pope’s clothing, he is an eco-wolf in pope’s clothing, he’s a stealth Marxist in religious garb.”

Savage continued that Francis “sounds just like the false prophet in Revelation, an ecumenical spiritual figure directing mankind to worship the Antichrist.”

“I think it is up to the Catholic people to turn their backs on this Pope before it is too late, before they wake up and find out that they are in chains, this man is a Marxist through-and-through,” Savage said, claiming that he was “picked by the New World Order the way Obama was.”