Last year, Pat Robertson not only claimed that God revealed to him that Mitt Romney would win the 2012 election and be a successful two-term president, but also hailed the high-profile Mormon as an “outstanding Christian.”
Even though Robertson, who also appeared at a rally with the failed presidential candidate, called Romney a Christian, his own Christian Broadcasting Network lists Mormonism as a non-Christian cult.
In fact, today on the 700 Club, Robertson’s co-host Terry Meeuwsen interviewed an ex-Mormon about the differences between her former faith and Christianity.
Robertson, of course, wouldn’t be the only Religious Right figure to equivocate on Mormonism in the service of larger political goals.
For example, many Religious Right activists who have denounced Mormonism also claim that Glenn Beck is a Christian who really isn’t really a Mormon.
Kirk Cameron even began his movie about God’s role in American history by interviewing Beck, even though Cameron once made an entire documentary attacking Mormons, warning that they will “end up in Hell forever.”