Steve Malzberg interviewed Jesse Lee Peterson on Newsmax TV yesterday about the shooting at a South Carolina church where a white gunman killed nine black churchgoers in an attempt to start a race war, during which Peterson bizarrely claimed that racism is not an issue in America today.
"[President Obama] implied that racism is still an issue in America today for black people from white folks, when it's absolutely not true," Peterson said. "You have the Department of Justice and others calling it a hate crime even before they knew, before the dust settled, they called it a hate crime, which is encouraging or verifying for a lot of angry black people that racism is a problem."
Even more bizarrely, Peterson then went on to say that white people are being unfairly labeled as racist and so "white people need to start speaking up instead of holding that anger in" because otherwise more violent incidents like this will happen.
"They need to speak out to the country, to black Americans and tell them, 'I am not a racist, I am not your problem, you need to take care of your own life, you need to get married, raise your own children, get away from the government taking care of you, drop your anger so you can see that I am not your problem,'" Peterson advised. "White Americans have been made to feel for the last 50 years or so that they are to blame for the situation in the black family and in the black community when it has nothing to do with white racism but everything to do with the lack of moral character."
White people, Peterson said, are being made to feel guilty and fearful about being called racist which is building up anger inside of them that will lead to more white people carrying out violent race-based attacks like the one in South Carolina: