On Monday, “Trunews” host Rick Wiles marked the end of 2014 by lamenting that all of his predictions about President Obama’s evil communist plans to foment a race war came true, but no one listened to him.
Let me ask you this question: Why is it so difficult for most people in America to realize that Barack Obama is a jihadist and that he has formally, officially switched sides in U.S. foreign policy? The U.S. now officially supports the Muslim terrorists and opposes Israel, it’s not that difficult to see what’s happening.
Here in the U.S.A., Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Obama, continues to lead his Marxist revolution to overthrow American society and its government. We have Marxist communists marching in the streets of U.S. cities chanting, ‘What do we want? Dead cops now.’ And what happens? Cops sitting in their cruiser get shot in the head. Is it any surprise that this is happening? I warned the American people in 2008 that Barack Obama is a dangerous Marxist communist revolutionary who will start race riots and another civil war and set America on fire. He’s getting away with his radical revolutionary agenda because people can’t believe it’s actually happening. It’s so surreal that people can’t bring themselves to admitting that a Marxist, communist revolution is actually underway in the United States of America.
Wiles later added that gains in marriage equality over the past several years have put America “in direct rebellion against God,” warning that the country has “gone over the morality cliff and the next sound you will hear will be the splat.”
And by “splat,” Wiles means nuclear holocaust, as he went on to suggest that God may punish the U.S. for legalizing same-sex marriage by launching a nuclear war with China that kills millions.
“So go ahead America and wallow around in your decadent, immoral homosexual sex, abortion of millions of babies and your bloody, gory movies, and the bloodshed and violence in your streets and the greed on Wall Street. I promise you there is an end to it coming very soon,” he said. “You allowed militant homosexuals, atheists and secular Jews to take control of your country and turn it into a cesspool of immorality, perversion, violence, rebellion, sorcery and witchcraft; my Bible says such a country will suffer sudden destruction.”
Unlike America, Wiles praised Russia for “building a modern-day Noah’s Ark” that is ready for the looming Last Days.