After warning that gay marriage will lead to America’s destruction, “Trunews” host Rick Wiles chatted yesterday with Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch about the resettlement of Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees in the U.S.
When Wiles asked her whether she believed that the Obama administration wants to “deliberately flood America with Muslims to tip the balance of power in this country towards Islam,” Corcoran readily agreed: “Yes, I think it is.” She said that Muslims only need to be about 10 percent of the population in order to introduce Sharia law, which she said is occurring throughout Europe. She added: “The writing is on the wall for us, we really do need to stop this Muslim — we need to have a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America.”
“Barack Obama promised to transform America and he’s doing it,” Wiles said. “He’s the only politician I’ve seen in my lifetime who has carried out his campaign promises and he promised to transform the country and he has done a great deal of harm to this nation and he has more on the way.”
He went on to say that Obama is working with George Soros to “break down the Western Christian culture” and “destroy everting about the identity of those nations, whether it’s the United States or Canada, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, if it’s a Western, Christianized nation, they are doing everting possible to break down that civilization, that society, in order to have a one-world system. That is the main goal, that is where they are taking this thing so they have to mix up the populations all over the world to break it down.”
“Right. They are changing America by changing the people, they are literally swapping out the people,” Corcoran replied.