- Paul Hair calls upon Donald Trump to "nominate Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to be the next secretary of state."
- No, Hillary Clinton did not win just 57 counties in the presidential election.
- A question from Bill Donohue: "What is the difference between American Atheists and the Satanists? Not much: both hate Christianity and both lie for a living."
- The AFA is applauding Breitbart for boycotting Kellogg's because "Kellogg's has shown how utterly intolerant they are of anyone's viewpoint other than their own."
- Finally, William Gheen declares that "Roy Cooper is not the legitimate Governor of North Carolina because his election victory was only archived through mass voter fraud. Roy Cooper is the first illegal alien elected Governor of our state and I'm sure he will work hard to reward his foreign voters that made his victory possible."
Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 12/6/16