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Right Wing Leftovers - 8/13/13

  • It was "Mock Obama Day" on Glenn Beck's radio program.  It was "



  • "Karl Rove is a
  • scaredy-cat."

  • John Hagee has apparently
  • href="

    proposal/">dropped his opposition to San Antonio's proposed anti-discrimination ordinance.

  • Randy
  • Thomasson

    family-advocate-102141/">declares that "Jerry Brown and the Democrats have targeted every kid in public school with gender-bending brainwashing. Fortunately, parents can protect their children from the insanity of biological boys in girls' restrooms and

    girls' showers and biological girls in boys' restrooms and boys' showers by exiting the dysfunctional, immoral public schools

    for homeschooling and solid church schools."

  • Finally, we wonder what WND's Joseph Farah thinks
  • about the plagiarism practiced by his

    href="">good friend Chuck Missler.