- Ari Rabin-Havt @ The Washington Post: Trump’s outrageous lies come straight from big businesses’ playbook.
- Sophia Tesfaye @ Salon: Donald Trump’s favorite sheriff is still a birther: Joe Arpaio says 5-year investigation proves President Obama birth certificate fake.
- John Fea: Evangelical Tony Perkins Is Upset About Trump’s Pick for Secretary of State.
- Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: FBI and CIA agree: Russia’s operation intended to help Trump win.
- Dianna E. Anderson @ Shareblue: Trump taps Islamophobic Fox alum Monica Crowley for National Security Council.
- Eric Hananoki @ Media Matters: Alex Jones Deletes Video In Which He Had Told His Audience To Personally "Investigate" "Pizzagate" Restaurant.
Right Wing Round-Up - 12/16/16