- Tim Murphy and Gavin Aronsen @
Mother Jones
: After Bachmann, Who's America's Next Top Wacky Right-Winger? - women/">Andrew Kirell @ Mediaite: Fox’s Erick Erickson: It’s ‘Anti-Science’ To Not Believe Men Should
href="http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_you/2013/05/afa-spokesman-satan-is-using-gay-boy-scouts.html">Jeremy Hooper: AFA spokesman:
'Satan is using' gay Boy Scouts.
bachmann-legislative-accomplishments_n_3354476.html">Jason Linkins @ Huffington Post: Michele Bachmann's Legislative
Accomplishments In One Chart.
frequents-extremist/194271">Joe Strupp @ Media Matters: Why A Leading Gun Activist Frequents Extremist Conspiracy Shows.
‘Dominate’ Women.