- Rachel Olding @ The Daily Beast: Herman Cain Dies After Month-Long Battle With Coronavirus.
- Sky Palma @ Raw Story: Pro-Trump group deletes image mocking masks after co-founder dies from COVID-19.
- Leia Idliby @ Mediaite: Obama Delivers Stirring Eulogy at John Lewis Funeral Service: ‘A Man of Pure Joy and Unbreakable Perseverance.’
- Ed Mazza @ HuffPost: Fox News Hypocrisy On Protests Exposed In Damning ‘Daily Show’ Supercut.
- John Kerr @ Media Matters: Fox News figures mocked the idea that Trump would try to delay the election. Trump just tweeted it.
- Matt Novak @ Gizmodo: Who Are 'America's Frontline Doctors', the Pro-Trump, Pro-Hydroxychloroquine Weirdos Banned From Social Media?
Right Wing Round-Up: America's Frontline Doctors