- Alex Amend @ Hatewatch: In 1991, FAIR president Dan Stein said immigrants are "getting into competitive breeding".
- Erik Maulbetsch @ Colorado Times Recorder: GOP legislators intertwined with hate group Alliance Defending Freedom, on anti-LGBT efforts.
- Talal Ansari @ BuzzFeed: A Republican Running For Governor In Michigan Is Using Unfounded Conspiracy Theories Against A Muslim American Rival.
- Jennifer Bendery @ HuffPost: Pro-Choice GOP Senators Keep Voting For Trump’s Anti-Abortion Judges.
- Amy Littlefield @ Rewire: Anti-Choice Centers in North Carolina Use Federal Funds to Buy Programs Crafted to ‘Share Christ’.
- Nicole Lafond @ TPM: Trump: Comey Lied In ‘Phony Memos,’ ‘Of Course’ I Stayed Overnight In Moscow.
- Melanie Schmitz@ Think Progress: Diamond and Silk make several false statements while testifying under oath before Congress.
Right Wing Round-Up: Competitive Breeding