- Peter Montgomery @ Religion Dispatches: Mormon Leader Affirms Doctrine on Marriage; and More in Global LGBT Recap.
- Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: Creationist: The Vegas Massacre Was a “False Flag” To Take Away Our Guns.
- Rachel Janik @ Hatewatch: Far-right conspiracies abound at Phyllis Schlafly Eagle Council in St. Louis.
- Media Matters: Alex Jones: “The reason you have HIV is because it is a culture now in the gay community ... to give other people HIV”.
- Nicole Lafond @ TPM: Bannon: ‘We’re Declaring War On The Republican Establishment’
- Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Following ‘moron’ flap, Trump ready to ‘compare IQ tests’ with Tillerson.
Right Wing Round-Up: Las Vegas Massacre Was A False Flag