- Tierney Sneed @ Talking Points Memo: Inside The Courtroom, Flynn’s Non-Sentencing Was A Roller Coaster.
- Adam Peck @ Think Progress: It took about 20 minutes for a judge to destroy the right’s conspiratorial defense of Michael Flynn.
- Stephanie Mencimer @ Mother Jones: Right-Wing Groups Try, Fail to Rally Support for Michael Flynn.
- Warren Throckmorton: Eric Metaxas Defends Russian Agent; Says Maria Butina’s Plea Agreement Was Forced.
- Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: As it closes, Trump Foundation accused of ‘shocking’ illegalities.
- Frederick Clarkson @ Religion Dispatches: Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook.
Right Wing Round-Up: Project Blitz 2019