- David Mack @ BuzzFeed: Here Is President Joe Biden's Inaugural Address.
- Reed Richardson @ Mediaite: They Said It’d Never Happen — All the Public Figures Who Insisted Trump’s Second Term Would Begin Today.
- Joe Jervis: Perkins: Stop Attacking Evangelicals For Having Backed Trump Since “We Can Only Work With What We Have.
- John Fea: What should we make of Trump’s 1776 Commission Report? Part 2.
- Cristina Cabrera @ Talking Points Memo: Trump Privately Weighs Abandoning GOP To Start His Own ‘Patriot Party.’
- Ryan J. Reilly and Christopher Mathias @ HuffPost: Feds Arrest Proud Boy Member Joe Biggs Over Capitol Riot.
- The Washington Post: In four years, President Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims.
Right Wing Round-Up: The Patriot Party