- Judd Legum @ Think Progress: Trump admits debt to Cohen for Stormy Daniels payoff.
- Matt Shuham @ TPM: New Trump Financial Disclosure Shows Six-Figure Payment To Michael Cohen.
- Aaron Blake @ The Washington Post: The systemic problem with pro-Trump media, in one quote.
- Joseph Bernstein @ BuzzFeed: The Newest Star Of The Trump Movement Ran A Trump-Bashing Publication — Less Than Two Years Ago.
- Adam Sonfield @ Guttmacher Institute: In Bad Faith: How Conservatives Are Weaponizing “Religious Liberty” to Allow Institutions to Discriminate.
- Hatewatch: How the World Congress of Families serves Russian Orthodox political interests.
- Noah Lanard @ Mother Jones: This Man Was Trump Before Trump. He Just Won Pennsylvania’s Senate Primary.
Right Wing Round-Up: Trump Admits Stormy Daniels Payoff